The X factor of life is an algebraic equation that analyzes our existence to give us victory in the end of times. In order to realize this equation we must first examine each of its parts.
PART A is titled Earth. Earth is the primary function in the equation. The numbers here are random and separate the different behavior patterns we all exhibit. They fall within two categories. Those of the negative nature encompass, rage, envy, jealousy, adultery, lasciviousness, hatred and anger. Those of the positive nature encompass long suffering, endurance, love, joy and peace. These parts are all random and are part of who we are as human beings. We are born into some and acquire others through life. Part A can be represented as follows:
PART A = Earth (Positive behavior + Negative behavior)
Positive = rage, envy, jealousy, adultery, lasciviousness, hatred, anger and many of this nature
Negative = love, joy, peace, long suffering, endurance and others of this nature
Part B is titled Doorway. This is the way, the truth and the life. They are a constant because they belong to our Lord and are him. Only by this doorway is anything prosperous possible for us in the end of time. The value of measurement for this is the flesh and blood, the spiritual intake in communion of our Lord and savior. Although we receive this as a blessing physically in church we must learn to accept it spiritually. This is represented as:
PART B = Doorway (Way + Truth + Life)
Where: way, truth and life are represented by flesh and blood as part of communion
When Part A and Part B are put together we get Part C which is spiritual prosperity. This is labeled Sheep. It is the combination of the element man, spirit existence and comforter since we have accepted Christ. The Lord's sheep hear his voice and come to him. They have the comforter within them to remind them ever so often of the Light of the Lord. This is the ignition within man to know and retain the knowledge of our Lord. Part C can be represented as follows:
PART C = Sheep {Comforter/spirit + man (Positive behavior >>Negative behavior)}
When these parts are combined correctly we worship God in truth and in spirit. It must be noted here that our spiritual existence cannot be measured by mathematical formula. These parts are simply expressed in this way to allow us to interpret the word of God in our lives.
Leslie Musoko
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