Saturday, May 5, 2012

Free Algebra Help

Many people can find help for high school or college algebra online when other options are not available. Websites offer free information to help with homework problems. Although many websites provide answers to homework problems, it doesn't always help if the student doesn't understand how to solve the problem on their own since algebra, like most math, depends on learning a set of rules. Any resource that would be helpful must explain how these rules work and how they can be applied to solve homework problems. These rules come in many forms such as formulas, equations, properties, methods and procedures. In addition, it is important to understand key definitions and important math terms. For algebra, in particular, a student has to have a good foundation in arithmetic including fractions and decimals. One of the most important new concepts a student will encounter in algebra is the variable. A variable can be thought of as a special container or placeholder for a number. In general, a variable can represent any number unless its limits are specified.

Although a variable can represent any number, sometimes only one number can be used. Finding this number is called solving the variable. In this case, the variable represents a mathematical solution or answer to a problem. One example of this is the linear equation which is usually represented by two variables, one independent and the other dependent. When a value is inserted into one variable, the other can only have one value which is the solution.

The linear equation is an important concept in algebra. The student is expected to solve linear equations and be able to graph them. The graph of a linear equation is a straight line on the Cartesian coordinate plane. The equation determines the direction the line points which is also known as the slope. It also indicates its location based on where it intersects one of the primary axes that define the plane. Since a line can be determined from just two points, if two points are plotted in the Cartesian coordinate plane also known as the x-y plane, the linear equation that corresponds to these two points can be found. Sometimes a system of linear equations needs to be solved. A system in this case is two or more linear equations that have the same solutions for their variables when solved. On a graph, a system of linear equations is represented by a line for each equation. The intersection of these lines is the graphical solution.

When linear equations have been understood; the next topic in algebra is usually polynomials. A polynomial is a type of function that has two or more terms. It usually means, however, three or more terms in the expression or equation. An expression with just one term is called a monomial while two terms would be a binomial. Each term has either a different set of variables or the same set but the variables are raised to different powers. One important type of polynomial function is the quadratic equation.

The quadratic equation has two forms: expanded form where it is a monomial or polynomial with two or three terms or factored form where it is usually represented by two factors consisting of linear binomials. The graph of the quadratic function is called a parabola and has a cup or bowl shape on the coordinate plane. One of the tasks a student of algebra is expected to do with quadratic equations is to convert them from one form to another. One example is where a product of linear factors is written as an expanded monomial or polynomial. The rule used to go from factored form to expanded form is called the Law of Distribution or the distributive property. The reverse process usually requires factoring a polynomial which can be more complicated. There are many different methods of factoring. Most methods factor a quadratic polynomial by factoring the coefficients. The most effective way is by completing the square or using the quadratic formula.

There are many web sites online that can help math students as well as algebra students to understand the rules and procedures used in algebra. Some of these websites offer free help for math homework problems in algebra.

Finding homework help online for algebra doesn't have to be difficult. Free algebra help can be found for topics such as real and complex numbers, variables, solving linear equations and the quadratic formula. Other important concepts include slope intercept-form, polynomials and factoring. Because many students have trouble with factoring, most of the different factoring methods are explained. These include factoring by grouping, the trial method, completing the square and the how the quadratic formula can be used. Different types of functions are explained such as exponential functions and logarithms. Rules and formulas are provided to deal with powers and radicals. In addition, graphs are presented that show what the functions look like in the Cartesian coordinate plane. Important concepts used in algebra such as set theory and order of operations are described as well as constants and coefficients. Additional topics that people encounter in algebra include inequalities and systems. With systems of linear equations, various procedures are demonstrated to solve the system such as substitution, elimination and matrix methods. Rules and properties are listed to serve as a reference when the textbook is not available.
By studying the information presented at the free algebra homework help website solving homework problems will be easier and algebra will be better understood.
Besides algebra, free math lessons are available for other math subjects such as basic math, geometry, precalculus and statistics. Find free help for algebra online now.


willson said...

Algebra is a major component of math that is used to unify mathematic concepts. Algebra is built on experiences with numbers and operations, along with geometry and data analysis. Some students think that algebra is like learning another language. This is true to a small extent, algebra is a simple language used to solve problems that can not be solved by numbers alone. It models real-world situations by using symbols, such as the letters x, y, and z to represent numbers.
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